My Girlfriend Gives Me Goosebumps! follows the unique journey of Haruka Kawatsuji, a boy whose life took a dramatic turn when he miraculously survived a fall from his apartment’s balcony as a child. Since then, Haruka has struggled to find the same thrill in everyday life, seeking excitement in sports and horror movies but never quite succeeding. His mundane existence takes an unexpected twist when he encounters an eccentric girl who seems to breathe new life into his world. This encounter sets the stage for a captivating blend of romance and supernatural elements, filled with a sense of mystery and adventure.
As Haruka navigates his feelings for this peculiar girl, he discovers that she possesses the uncanny ability to give him goosebumps—both literally and figuratively. The story intricately weaves themes of love, fear, and the essence of life, inviting readers to explore the balance between thrill and the mundane. With its quirky characters and engaging plot, My Girlfriend Gives Me Goosebumps! stands out as a refreshing take on romantic storytelling in the manga world.